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MUM Online Member Search

Life Members - 10

A life member is a special position within MUM which indicates that the member has been ordained and in good standing with the ministry for a minimum of 20 years.

Ordained Ministers - 13

An ordained minister has recieved credentials of ministry through MUM either through our educational modules or through reciprocity. The following members are in good standing. NOTE: dues-delinquent members will not show up here.

Healing Ministers - 2

A healing minister has recieved credentials of ministry through MUM either through our educational modules or through reciprocity. The following members are in good standing. NOTE: dues-delinquent members will not show up here.

Internet Members - 22

An internet member is someone who has signed up for an online account with MUM. They offer prayers, thoughts, and questions to our ministry.

Amanda Allen

Bevelyn Gerald

Candace Womer

Damilare Dominicd

Deidre Hockin

Elianna Laracuente

Ernie Pappa

Haze Nazario

Heather Santos

Ish Shade

Jeanne Birosik

Karen D'Antonio

Kat Trinidad

Laura Bilger

Lisa Kavcak

Michael Kichline

Monica Javkson

Nadine Cutshaw

nicolette altemose

Quira Santos

Robert Delauretis