Ordination and Certification Opportunities
To get started, please click on the links below to be taken to the interactive program description and associated documents. Peace to you with abundant blessings in the white light.

Spiritual Awareness Certificate

About Our Seminary
The MUM Learning Center provides distant learning education for individuals interested in becoming an Ordained Minister or a Minister of Healing. It also provides distant learning education for those who wish to expand their spiritual knowledge and wisdom through Spiritual Awareness courses.
It is our vision and our goal to expand education in all fields of Spiritual Knowledge and Wisdom. We teach with texts, but also by demonstrating this knowledge and wisdom in our lives, thoughts, and actions as we work together in God’s vineyard. This knowledge and Universal Truth, with our intentions can “Light Up the World.”
All Aspects of the Educational Program are under the immediate direction of the Metaphysical Universal Ministries Board and Metaphysical Learning Center.
Metaphysical Universal Ministries (MUM)
MUM stands for “Metaphysical Universal Ministries.” Our ministry was founded to provide an association that works with all religions to promote True Brotherhood to all mankind.
We aspire to achieve unity by looking within ourselves to the God within promoting open communications and cooperation with all people.
We are an integrated church auxiliary more commonly referred to as a spiritual national organization. We are operating in compliance with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Department of Education.
The MUM Learning Center is a place where you can study spiritual topics such as Metaphysics, Universal Truths, World Religions and much more.